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What is Orthokeratology?


Orthokeratology (ortho-k) is a non-surgical procedure that involves the wearing of a series of specially designed rigid contact lenses to progressively reshape the curvature of the cornea over time. It’s also one of the go-to myopia treatments Los Angeles eyecare centers provide.


Orthokeratology lenses are custom-designed nightwear lenses that are made according to one's corneal shape. A special diagnostic technology called a corneal topographer is utilized to "map" out the exact shape of the front part of the eye called the cornea. Using the data from the mapping of the cornea, the ortho-k lenses will be made to a person's personal prescription and in accordance with the shape of the cornea.


This is a revolutionary non-surgical procedure for myopia management that eliminates the need for prescription glasses or daytime contact lenses. It improves vision by gently reshaping your eye WHILE YOU SLEEP using specially designed therapeutic contact lenses. You just put the specially fitted lenses in at bedtime, and when you wake up, you will have clear, sharp, natural vision all day. 


The results of the painless procedure are not permanent. Retainer contact lenses must be worn periodically to maintain improvements made in vision. However, it’s a great alternative to LASIK. This safe and effective myopia management practice can correct low to moderate nearsightedness and low degrees of astigmatism for those who don’t want the risk or are not ready for surgery.


How Do Orthokeratology Lenses Work?


Ortho-k lenses are not your typical contact lenses. They are made from a special gas-permeable material. This allows them to breathe and provide comfort during sleep. These lenses work by gently flattening the cornea. This changes how light enters the eye, improving vision. The result is clear vision during the day. This is achieved without the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses.

myopia orthok

Is Ortho-K Safe?


Orthokeratology is generally considered a safe form of myopia management. However, like any procedure, it comes with potential risks. These include minor side effects like halos or glare. The key to safety is proper lens care. This includes maintaining good hygiene practices to prevent infections. Regular follow-ups with an eye care professional are also crucial. They ensure the correct fit of ortho-k lenses and monitor eye health.


Who Can Benefit from Ortho-K?

Orthokeratology is primarily used for hyperopia, astigmatism, and myopia management. It's a great alternative for those who are not candidates for LASIK surgery or are hesitant about it. Ortho-k is also beneficial for athletes and active individuals. The convenience of being free from corrective eyewear during the day is a significant advantage. Moreover, individuals who experience discomfort with daytime contact lenses due to dry eyes or allergies may find relief with orthokeratology lenses.


Age Considerations for Ortho-K

The ideal age for ortho-k can vary. However, it is commonly used for children and teenagers whose eyes are still developing. By slowing its progression, ortho-k can be great for myopia management for children.


Orthokeratology offers a safe and effective alternative to glasses or daytime contact lenses. Remember, regular follow-ups are essential to monitor eye health and ensure the correct fit of ortho-k lenses. Our doctors provide orthokeratology services and myopia treatments to Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley, including Reseda, Winnetka, Northridge, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, and Canoga Park.



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